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RES has submitted a planning application for its 49.9MW Nuneham Solar Farm to South Oxfordshire District Council. If consented, the project, located in Nuneham Courtenay, would be capable of producing clean, low-cost electricity for over 13,000 homes as well as saving around 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year, compared to the equivalent fossil fuel generation.

The proposal has been through a detailed design process, with results from site surveys and assessments, in addition to feedback from the community and stakeholders, helping to shape the final design. Changes that have been made during the project’s development include the removal and relocation of solar infrastructure which has led to a reduction in the overall size of the site to ensure it fits sensitively into the existing landscape. Public Rights of Way which cross the site have also been considered with solar infrastructure set back a minimum distance of 8 metres, and new planting proposed along sections of the footpaths to reduce potential visibility of the solar farm whilst retaining the existing agricultural views to the north of the site.

The solar farm has been specifically designed to enable continued prime agricultural use in the form of sheep farming alongside the production of renewable electricity. Sheep farming provides employment, supports rural economies and landscapes managed by grazing sheep support a rich diversity of wildlife, while producing food.

For more information, please click here.